James Wahls
Commissioner (D)

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Kelly Johnson
Commissioner (R)

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1062 State Route 38
PO Box 306
Owego, NY 13827

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MEDIA RELEASE: "I Voted" Sticker Design Contest

Last Updated: 3/24/2025

The Tioga County Board of Elections is pleased to announce the launch of their first ever “I Voted” Sticker Contest.

Any young person, aged 5-18, who is a resident of Tioga County can participate. Participants are tasked with designing a unique image or logo for a 2-inch sticker that will be distributed at the general election this November and at subsequent elections. Entries must contain the phrase “I Voted” somewhere in the design.

The Tioga County Election Commissioners will select the top three designs from each of three age groups: 5-9, 10-13, and 14-18. The selected finalists will be presented to the Tioga County Legislature to determine the winners. One winner from each age group will be selected. Winners will be awarded at the July 15th Regular Legislative Meeting, and their custom stickers will be handed out to Tioga County voters beginning with the November 4th, 2025, general election.

Entries are due to the Board of Elections no later than May 30th, 2025, along with the participant’s Entry Form. Download the Entry Form and participation rules from the link below, or visit the Board of Elections department page. Contact the Board of Elections at 607-687-8261, or [email protected], with any questions.

Contest flyers and entry forms will also be distributed electronically to Tioga County public school districts and youth groups.

The Board of Elections thanks the Tioga Arts Council for assistance in getting this creative challenge off the ground.



The circular logo for the Tioga County Board of Elections. The words "Vote Tioga" are superimposed over the shape of Tioga County, with the phrase "make your voice heard" above, and the county web address below.



MEDIA RELEASE: "I Voted" Sticker Design Contest