1062 State Route 38
PO Box 306
Owego, NY 13827
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Use the Tioga County GIS Maps tool to view an interactive map of congressional, state legislative, local legislative, and election districts.
You may also download a KMZ file of Tioga County election districts for use with your own projects. This file opens best with Google Earth Pro, which is free.
Last Updated: 8/31/2023
ALBANY, N.Y. (08/30/2023) – The State Board of Elections has recently become aware that individuals, across multiple counties throughout the state, have been going door-to-door impersonating County Board of Elections staff. These individuals are confronting voters regarding their registration status, and erroneously accusing voters of committing a crime because of how they appear in the state voter database.
“We are extremely alarmed by these actions. These individuals are impersonating government officials in an effort to intimidate voters based on inaccurate and misleading information,” said Raymond J. Riley III, Co-Executive Director of the State Board of Elections. “We strongly encourage those engaging in these activities to cease immediately.”
County Board of Elections staff members work tirelessly year-round to ensure elections are safe and secure. They engage in extensive record-keeping processes in an ever-changing environment and are an integral part of protecting our democracy from bad actors, including those who are engaging in this current impersonation behavior.
“We want to assure all New Yorkers that any employee of the State or County Board of Elections would conduct themselves in a professional manner and willingly present identification when engaging with voters,” said Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, Co-Executive Director of the State Board of Elections. “When in doubt, please know you can always contact your State or County Board of Elections directly with any questions.”
If a voter is approached by someone claiming to be from the State or County Board of Elections, they are encouraged to immediately request identification. If the individual refuses or appears under suspicious circumstances, the State Board recommends collecting as much information as possible, not providing the individual with any personal information, and contacting local law enforcement to report the incident.
Criminal impersonation in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor in New York State. The State Board of Elections remains in close communication with the County Boards and law enforcement to monitor this situation.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen McGrath or Jennifer Wilson at the State Board of Elections at 518-474-1953 or by email at [email protected].
Use the Tioga County GIS Maps tool to view an interactive map of congressional, state legislative, local legislative, and election districts.
You may also download a KMZ file of Tioga County election districts for use with your own projects. This file opens best with Google Earth Pro, which is free.