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Last Updated: 12/2/2020
At the eleventh meeting of the Tioga County Legislature, taking place on November 10th, 2015, a recognition ceremony was held for key staff members contributing to Tioga County's implementation project of the Tyler Technologies' Munis financial management system. This project, budgeted at approximately $1.4 million, replaces the County's previous in-house developed financial package with a modern and robust new software tool. When fully implemented, the program will help streamline County fiscal operations and provider greater transparency and accountability across all County departments. The first and largest component of this package, the core financials package, was brought live on November 1st, 2015.
Maureen Dougherty, the County Legislative Clerk, was selected in late 2014 as the FMAS Project Leader. At the Legislative meeting, she read a statement and gave recognition to the key members of the FMAS project team. A copy of her remarks and pictures are below.
Statement from Maureen Dougherty:
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the Tioga County Legislature for giving the County the opportunity of this 1.4 million dollar Financial Management Accounting System project and allowing the County to come into the 21st century with real-time budgeting and balancing. I would also like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all County Departments and staff for time spent and involvement in seeing this project get off the ground and running, and for all their participation and help.
I am here today for a presentation on our FMAS project. This presentation is from the heart, no County funds are involved, and I am here to express my gratitude and appreciation to all County staff involved, who participated, or who played an integral part. I especially want to give special thanks and gratitude to the FMAS Executive Team, core users, and other staff who were heavily involved in this project and spent countless hours.
This has been an extremely long project, starting back in the spring/summer of 2014 with numerous demonstrations and the tedious task of choosing a company that fit the County’s needs and expectations, has consumed thousands of hours of staff, many meetings, many trainings, many after hours of studying, testing, practicing, too numerous to count e-mails with questions and concerns, etc. We are now live as of November 3rd with the financial end of our project, phase II of payroll proceeding as we speak.
I want to especially acknowledge Katie Chapdelaine of Tyler Technologies, the dedicated Financial Implementer for Tioga County who has pretty much lived here for the past year or more. Katie is an infectious person, very personable, incredibly knowledgeable and has truly been an asset to Tioga County and so critically important to the project. She has proved invaluable to the County.
I would like to acknowledge the FMAS Executive Team and core users who banded in groups and took on some of the tasks of creating commodity codes and project ledger codes, having several meetings and discussions on these, and were integral in setting them up.
The FMAS Executive Team and core users gave valuable insight, helped make executive decisions, offered solutions, input and cheered the project on.
I would like to thank Marte [Sauerbrey] and Ed [Hollenbeck] for their support in attending meetings, listening to my grumblings and concerns, and for being 110 percent behind me and all decisions and problems I was faced with.
At this time I would like to present a small token of my appreciation for time and dedication to the FMAS Project to the following people:
First and foremost to Katie Chapdelaine.
Please come forward as I call your names:
Jen Bennett
Joy Bennett
Douglas Camin
Gary Grant
Cathy Haskell
Rita Hollenbeck
Mike Jackson
Chris Korba
Denis McCann
Jim McFadden
Bethany O’Rourke
Diane Rockwell
Arrah Richards
Barb Cushman
Sherri Harris
Mickelle Andrews
Emily Peters
Mary Hogan
Linn Bruce
Amy Poff
Jessica Hobart
Amy Potter
I also have two special recognitions for two staff who have truly gone above and beyond on this project. When I was first approached about being Project Manager, I indicated I would not do such without a Deputy Project Manager and that that person had to be Cathy [Haskell.] By asking that, that put a huge strain on the office and our regular work that we needed to keep up with. I knew though that by choosing Cathy that I had a great person in helping me get through this. Cathy’s tenacity, forethought, wisdom, skills, dedication, ability to stay to task, and follow through were impeccable in seeing this project through.
The other recognition is to Rita Hollenbeck who without a doubt has given so much value, insight, driving force, reviewing and re-reviewing budget information, account information, code building, etc. to this project. Rita has been a huge integral part of this project from its inception. She not only had just stepped into her position as Chief Accountant/Budget Officer, but also had to rise to the challenge of this most important project for the county. Rita was a huge driving force for this project, often times probably getting beat up for pushing for things that she felt were the best for the county. In the end though, right, wrong or indifferent, she never held grudges, consented to things for best practice, and at the end always willing to keep driving forward and striving for the good of the county.
To both Cathy and Rita, I present these plaques of my appreciation for your dedication to the FMAS Project.
A comprehensive search tool of Tioga County's Local Laws can be found in the law library link below.