Last Updated: 3/18/2025
The mission of Tioga County is to serve its residents with transparent and reliable services that uphold rights, promote safety and health, for a high quality of life for all. 2024 was an exemplary year for Tioga County in meeting this mission. While there were challenges the County moved forward successfully and on a consistent basis, always working to make County government more effective and efficient.
I’d like to thank the efforts of the Tioga County Legislators, whose representation and leadership have made 2024 a continued success. I’d like to further thank our Department Heads, who continue to lead the County forward and I’d of course like to say “Thank You” to the employees of Tioga County, without whom the services and programs the County provides, would not be possible.
Every Legislative year brings challenges, struggles and often sadness. Last year we lost three former Legislators. Legislator Dale N. Weston passed away while in office on April 2, 2024. Legislator Weston was elected to the position of Tioga County District #6 Legislator on January 1, 2005, and represented the Spencer - Barton area. He served until the time of his passing.
Former Legislator Todd E. Smith passed away on April 8, of 2024. Former Legislator Smith was elected to the position of Tioga County District #7 Legislator on January 1, 1999. He successfully was re-elected until his resignation on September 30, 2003.
Legislator Peter L. Ward passed away on May 8, 2024. Former Legislator Ward was elected to the position of Tioga County District #7 Legislator on January 1,1996 and was successfully re-elected until he left office on December 31, 2004.
Sometimes, things happening in the State or the Nation affect the way we do business. Elected leaders make decisions based on what is best for them perhaps but not necessarily for us. This is the case of relocating busloads of immigrants upstate to relieve the burden of New York City. In 2023, the Chair of the Legislature declared a State of Emergency preventing immigrants from being bussed, dropped off and then housed in Tioga County at hotels, motels, etc. We kept the State of Emergency effective for over a year and a half until the winds of change arrived, and we felt confident we would not fall victim to another government’s problem.
Celebrating her 30th year of Tioga County employment, Legislative Clerk Cathy Haskell continues to set the standard as a steward of professionalism. Our Legislative Clerk was instrumental in 2024 helping to guide Tioga County through numerous departmental changes, policy updating and helping to bring our new County Administrator on board.
In July of 2024, the Legislature successfully appointed Jackson D. Bailey II as the first County Administrator. Under the directives of the Tioga County Legislature and Local Law #4 of 2023, the County Administrator will act as the day-to-day primary Operations Director, Budget Officer, and Public Information Officer for the County. The County contracted with Dr. Ian Coyle of Pracademic Partners to offer Training and Executive Coaching services to help ensure the continued success and implementation of the County Administrator position.
The Law Department plays a vital role in every County Department from evaluating contracts, providing professional legal counsel, child protective services, providing state-mandated counsel and prosecution of crimes.
2024 saw the continuation of the tragic criminal investigation regarding the murder of Thomas Rath. This investigation has greatly impacted several Tioga County Departments including Probation, County Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defenders, County Court, and the County Attorney. The Departments cohesion and continued support from the Legislature has helped to carry out the swift, fair, and effective justice that is expected in Tioga County.
As the steward of taxpayers dollars, the Tioga County Treasurer’s Office continues to provide Tax Enforcement, Residency Certificates, and oversight of all fiscal matters for the County. Elected Treasurer James McFadden celebrated his 30th year of County service in 2024 and looks forward to retirement in 2025.
Financial Highlights:
Staff Highlights:
The Mental Hygiene Department offers Tioga County residents person-centered counseling services and support for individuals and families of all ages who are coping with emotional problems, mental illness, depression, anxiety, substance use and much more. In 2024. A satellite Mental Health Clinic was opened in Waverly, NY, and will greatly expand services and outreach for Tioga County residents.
Accounting Associate III, Linda Beers, celebrated her 30 years with the County.
Social Services works to support children and families, provide foster care homes for children in our community, provide SNAP benefits to provide healthy food for the needy, Heat and Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can help eligible New Yorkers heat and cool their homes to name a few services available to help people in need.
Resource Assistant, Beth Ayers, celebrated 30 years of service with the County.
Tioga County Public Health’s mission is to protect and promote the health and well-being of our community through advocacy, education, enforcement, prevention and partnerships.
Public Health Sanitarian, Todd Kopalek, celebrated 30 years of service with the County.
2024 saw the appointment of Corinne Cornelius as the Director of Emergency Services, previously serving as a Deputy Director, and as a Deputy Sheriff prior to that. Corinne is a dynamic leader and has been and continues to be an essential part in the management of the Radio Communications Tower Upgrade Project throughout the County.
In 2024 Coroner Warren S. “Stew” Bennett resigned as an Elected and Administrative Coroner. Mr. Bennett served as Coroner for 15 years since 2009 and brought an extensive amount of forensic knowledge to the County. We very much appreciate his service to the County.
In 2024, Sheriff Gary Howard was awarded the prestigious “Sheriff Grover Cleveland Award” by the New York State Sheriff’s Institute. The Sheriff Grover Cleveland Award is named for the only sheriff to go on to serve as President of the United States. To date, only 7 Sheriffs have received this honor.
In the Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Sheriff Alan Bobier celebrated 30 years of service, Deputy Sheriff Shawn Kemmery and Civil Manager Kim Lombardoni celebrated their 25 years of County service.
The Tioga County Probation Department works with Tioga County Court, Drug Treatment Court, Family Court, Surrogates Court and 13 separate Town or Village Justice Courts in the County. The Department prepares sensitive documents to assist those courts in making sentencing decisions for the citizens before them.
Probation Director, Brian Cain, celebrated his 25 years with the County. Secretary to the Director of Probation, Kristen Kallin, celebrated 35 years of County service.
The Information Technology and Communications Services (ITCS) Department was heavily involved in the upgrade of the County’s 911 dispatch center. The County’s 911 phone system was changed to Motorola VESTA and existing security cameras and displays were moved and upgraded. Also, a major upgrade was made to the County’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. All this activity had to be coordinated with Emergency Management, Sheriff’s Office, Public Works and ITCS.
To say the Department of Public Works is on everyone’s speed dial, would not be an understatement. Public Works maintains County roadways & bridges, municipal buildings, and other infrastructure throughout Tioga County. Heating, cooling and carpet installation took up much time this year along with construction of a garage at the Public Safety facility, preparing for the installation of a truck wash, and remodeling of offices to accommodate updated equipment and security.
Buildings & Grounds Supervisor Michael Bidwell celebrated his 25 years with the County.
Economic Development and Planning works constantly on projects to improve the economy of the County and assist communities with development projects. This year ED&P assisted the Village of Waverly with public and private projects for the $4.5 million New York Forward Program that was recently awarded. Other projects included applying for and receiving Retore NY Round 8 grant funding for property in the Village in Newark Valley, rehabilitation funding for the Village of Owego and they secured a CDBG Microenterprise grant to establish a countywide Microenterprises Assistance program for existing small businesses with 5 or fewer employees.
The Tioga County Property Development Corporation or better known as the “Land Bank”, has been busy this year busy stabilizing and rehabilitating properties in Waverly, Owego and Newark Valley area to improve housing in Tioga County. The Land Bank continues to partner with the Owego-Apalachin Central School District to rehabilitate a single-family home in the Village of Owego with the work being accomplished by the Owego-Apalachin Central School District Building Trades Program.
The Veterans’ Service Agency had a busy year working on outreach for our veterans and military, supporting them with help in assistance for benefits and services. Following a successful career in Tioga County, the former Veterans’ Service Agency Director, Michael Middaugh has moved on to another position serving the needs of Veterans at the State level. In January of 2025, a selection committee was appointed to aid in the successful search for another qualified Director.
After many years of searching, County Historian Emma Sedore found the missing Bell of Sessions. The Bell of Sessions was the official bell that was purchased in 1855 and was hung in the cupola of Tioga County Courthouse that stood at the corner of Court Street and Main Street in Owego, NY. Over the years the bell was removed, loaned out and was lost. However, our Historian is not a person to give up and the Bell was discovered in 2024 and placed at the Ronald E. Dougherty County Office Building at 56 Main Street. We appreciate Emma’s value to the community and her many years of service.
The Board of Elections experienced the cooperation of the Sheriff, ITCS and Emergency Services to ensure that the Presidential Election would be secure and prepared for any potential incidents. A Risk Assessment required by NYS was completed by ITCS staff prior to the 204 Presidential elections. Any major issues were addressed and remediated. A successful General Election was held with a voter turnout of 70%.
Keeping accurate and updated records is critical to a well-functioning government and last year the three-year inventory of records was completed along with the re-organization of all records in the storage area at the HHS building. The County Clerk’s Office will be transitioning into a new records management system that will provide a more secure environment of the County‘s land and court records. Our DMV office continues to be a popular place serving people from all over the Southern Tier. They are well known for their good service and helpful attitudes.
In 2024, the Real Property Office proposed and drafted a Local Law that the County Legislature passed granting the new Volunteer Firefighter and Ambulance Worker property tax exemption. They also conducted an extensive review and update of Agricultural District information in the County Real Property database and initiated an outreach effort to Town and School Boards to increase awareness of new and updated property tax exemptions.
In 2024, Personnel participated in the Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Program (HELP). The HELP Program has helped remove the barriers that come with having to take a Civil Service exam to get a permanent position. This program helps address the statewide workforce shortage, and our hopes are that NYS will open it up to all titles. All these activities help to improve the hiring process for Tioga County.
At its core, the function of the County Government is to provide services that individuals or stand-alone agencies cannot provide alone. I’d like to share some of the notable 2024 accomplishments that required multiple departments and agencies to work together to carry out.
Early last year it was discovered that a group of homeless individuals were living on the former foundry site in Owego. Previously the Tioga Castings Foundry site had been declared a brownfield by the DEC, which was eventually remediated for industrial use. The short story is after connecting with the DEC, and much investigation the Board of Health (Public Health) deemed the Tioga Casting Facility a threat to public health. According to the Health Department, the Foundry Street property contained garbage, raw sewage, human waste, toxic materials and soil containing cancerous cadmium. Due to the contamination of the soil at the property, the Board of Health deemed the location unfit for human habitation.
Through this process the County worked with various groups within the community, including the Department of Social Services and were able to peacefully remove people from the site. Volunteers and service providers offered help and support to the homeless, which included rehab, housing, and other services. We appreciate the support of the Public Health Department for taking the lead on this project and for the Board of Health identifying the concern for safety. We also thank community members and organizations that helped with this effort.
It is important to note that the Interoperative Radio Communications Upgrade project continues to be of the highest priority for the County. Many departments are working together to accomplish this project. Under the supervision of Emergency Management, we expect to see communications towers being constructed and/or refurbished this spring, which will connect the County and Public Safety Services (Sheriff, Fire, etc.) with a much-improved communications system that will provide radio communications across the County. Full completion of this project is anticipated for the spring of next year.
As the need for accessible mental health services grows, a new facility in Waverly opened in December to offer vital support to those in the community that have struggled with limited access to care. The Mental Health Clinic was a multiyear project that came together with the cooperation of the Department of Mental Hygiene, Village of Waverly and the coordination of many county departments working to accomplish this project. We appreciate the Mental Hygiene Department for their patience and their determination to bring this project forward.
In closing, while the mission of the County is clear in how it will and continue to provide services to its residents. The value of the County will always be the citizens that we serve. Whether it’s the Veterans’ Service Agency taking time to visit a client at their home to ensure they have food for the week, or a Sheriffs Deputy responding to a call at 2:30 in the morning, or a Public Works employee plowing the roads during a dangerous snowstorm to ensure safe travel. The well-being of Tioga County is at the heart of all we do.
For more detailed reporting for each county department check out the county website.