HeatherVroman, Public Health Director
Heather Vroman , MPH, MSEd.
Public Health Director

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MEDIA RELEASE: 2024 Lead Avengers Awards Presented to UHS Candor and Newark Valley Offices

Last Updated: 9/13/2024

2024 Lead Avengers Awards Presented to UHS Candor and Newark Valley Offices

 Tioga County Public Health recognized two UHS Primary Care offices for their dedication to protecting Tioga County’s youth from the dangers of lead! The following offices have achieved the highest 1-year and 2-year testing rates in Tioga County, NY.

Congratulations to our 2024 Lead Avengers, UHS Primary Care in Candor and Newark Valley! UHS Primary Care in Candor had the highest 1-year lead testing rates, while UHS Primary Care in Newark Valley had the the highest 2-year lead testing rates!

In New York State, children are required to be tested for lead poisoning at ages one and two. Routine testing is crucial for early detection of lead poisoning. The quicker interventions to reduce the effects of lead are implemented, the better, as they can prevent lifelong complications associated with lead poisoning, such as developmental and behavioral problems.

When a child has lead poisoning, Tioga County Public Health works closely with the child’s family and primary care provider to bring their lead levels down. This is completed through a home inspection to identify sources of lead and follow-up lead testing to monitor the child’s lead levels. Most often, the source of lead is chipping or peeling lead paint. Education on risk reduction strategies, such as frequent handwashing and proper cleaning techniques is provided, as well as nutritional counseling to encourage the parent to feed their child a well-balanced diet. A diet rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin C is recommended as these nutrients help the body absorb less lead.

For more information on lead poisoning prevention call Tioga County Public Health at 687-8600, follow us on Facebook, or visit our website at ph.tiogacountyny.gov.








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