Overseas Voting

Q: How do I vote if I'm out of the country?

Overseas Civilian Voting (Special Federal Voters/Uniformed & Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act Voters)


  • United States citizens living outside of the United States whose intent to return is uncertain and whose last U.S. residence was in New York, along with their children, may register as a special federal voter in New York, entitling them to receive an absentee ballot for all federal races (President/Vice President, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives) that they would otherwise be entitled to vote in based on your New York address.
  • United States citizens living outside of the United States who intend to return and whose last U.S. residence was in New York, along with their children, may register as a UOCAVA voter in New York, entitling them to receive an absentee ballot for all races on the ballot that they would otherwise be entitled to vote in based on your New York address.

Registering/Applying for a Ballot (Deadlines)

  • To register as a new overseas voter and/or to request an absentee ballot, you must complete a Federal Post Card Application  and return it to the county board of elections of their previous New York residence.
  • This application will register you (if not already registered) and will also serve as your absentee ballot application for 2 federal general election cycles.
  • Always be sure to share any change of address information with your county board of elections. 
  • You can visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program Website for forms and information. 
  • On this application, you may state a preference as to how you would like to receive your ballot. You can choose mail, fax or email as a preferred method of transmission.
  • If you have stated a preference to receive your voting materials by email/online, you will receive an email notification directing you to the State’s online ballot delivery site to access your ballot. 
  • If you move back to the US, contact your county board of elections, to have your registration reflect that change.
  • Questions? Call the State Board of Elections at 518-474-1953 or the Federal Voter Assistance Program at 1-800-438-8683, or contact your US Embassy office or Consulate.

Returning your Ballot (Deadlines)

Tracking your Ballot

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